ISCA'19 Unary Computing Workshop

"Your Brain is a Unary Computer"
First ISCA Workshop on Unary Computing - June 2019
Held in conjunction with the 46th International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA) - Phoenix, Arizona, USA - Saturday, June 22, 2019
James E. Smith, Carnegie Mellon University (Adjunct)
John Paul Shen, Carnegie Mellon University
Despite the commercial success of machine learning, researchers should be exploring radically new and different computing paradigms if we ever hope to achieve brain-like capabilities with brain-like efficiencies. One potential class of paradigms, consistent with important aspects of neocortical operation, is centered around unary representations and functions. Until now, however, unary computing has been studied in a variety of contexts by different research groups. Hence, the primary objective of this workshop is to bring together computing researchers investigating unconventional computational paradigms and particularly interested in unary computation. If the brain is a unary computer (and strong arguments can be put forward that it is), then it behooves the computer architecture research community to be studying and developing models for unary computation.
Call for Papers:
Extended Abstracts must be in English and up to 4 pages.
Accepted papers will be presented at the workshop and included in the workshop report.
Topics of Interest:
Papers that contribute to unary computing theory are solicited. General topics of interest include:
Stochastic neural processing;
Temporal neural processing (spiking neural networks);
Other applications; Non-brain-specific applications that can exploit the features of unary processing
Unary computing theory in general. If the brain is a unary computer, then the more we know about unary computing, the better.
Important Dates:
Submission deadline: May 1, 2019
Acceptance date: May 12, 2019
Due date for inclusion in workshop report: May 31, 2019
Workshop: June 22, 2019